Impact Projects
Our Impact Projects focus on responding to the need of the local learning disabled and/or autistic community.
Download our Professional Services Portfolio here
We have a wide range of Impact Projects to choose from...
Peer Support Programme
The aim of our Peer Support Programme is to work with autistic adults and those with learning disabilities and their families and carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire to enable a greater number of people to live more independent lives.
- Growing Independence is a meet up group for service users that meets every month at different places in the community to talk, support each other and learn new life skills.
- Our Nurturing Independence group provides parents/carers with the information they need to start planning for the future, as well as emotional and practical support so that families can start to plan with confidence. We share the experience and advice of parents who have already made the journey to independence for their son/daughter and give people the time, space and opportunity to meet and talk with like minded parents and carers.
We run training for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults on many subjects, including:
- Basic Kitchen Skills training sessions are designed to give participants the basic skills, knowledge and confidence in the kitchen.
- Relationships and Sexual Health sessions provide participants with information to enable them to make safe and smart choices in their relationships.
- Bitesize Training: We are pleased to announce that we have developed new bite-size learning sessions around a wide range of topics. These small group, half day sessions, enable people to pick and choose which subjects they wish to learn, at a time and pace that’s right for them, it will also reduce information overload that some people face with lengthy study sessions.
You can now see all our planned sessions by visiting our Ticket Tailor pages which we will be updating regularly.
Participants can attend as many or as few sessions as they like, sessions can be easily booked and paid for via our Ticket Tailor pages using the QR code below.
Each session costs £10. If you are unable to book via Ticket Tailor please contact the Hive for a booking form.

Quality Checking
We quality check Health & Social Care services to ensure that their resources are accessible for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.