Drop-In Centre
The Hive drop-in service is a social drop-in centre in Kingswood, Bristol.
It is for adults with a learning disability and/or autism, aged 18 years and over.
How to Join

To join The Hive, all you need to do is fill in an application form.
Daytime sessions cost £12 to attend for a morning or afternoon, if you wish to attend all day the cost will be £24. Evening sessions cost £10. For further information or to arrange to visit email office@thehiveavon.org.uk.

More than just a drop-in...
We are changing how we run our discos and they will now be held throughout the year. We hope that by running our discos in this way we can really go 'all out' with our themes and would love it if people dressed up.

Hive Hangouts
We now have two Hive Hangouts a month.
On the second Monday of each month we have the Hive Hangout where we go to a local pub.
Our next Hive Hangout is on Monday 10 February, 7 - 9.30pm, at The Crown Inn, BS30 9DE. Cost £3.
On the fourth Monday of each month we run the Hive Hangout Extra which is more activity based. The next one is on Monday 24 March, 7 - 9.30pm at The Langton, BS4 4EG. Cost £3.
These social events give our members a chance to spend time together in the local community.

Impact Projects
Impact Projects are made to help adults with learning disabilities and/or autism to learn new skills, become more confident, make their own choices, and live as independently as they choose.
To learn more about our Impact Projects, click